September 20th is “Sky Day.”
This is a commemorative day that originated as Aviation Day, which was established in 1940, and was renamed Sky Day in 1992 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the resumption of civil aviation.
There are many characters in anime that evoke the image of the sky. They are depicted in a variety of ways , such as being able to fly freely in the sky, being residents of a world in the sky, or having names that include kanji or words related to the sky .
So Anime! Anime! conducted a reader survey titled “Who comes to mind when you think of ‘Sky/Flying’ characters?”
following on from last year. We received responses from 474 people during the survey period from September 8th to September 12th. The gender ratio was about 35 percent male, about 55 percent female, and about 10 percent gave no response, with more females than males. In terms of age group, the majority were young people, with about 50 percent under 19 and about 15 percent in their 20s.