October 19th was TOEIC Day.
The name comes from the play on words “TO (10) EIC (19)” and was established in 2021 by the International Business Communication Association. Some people may have taken the TOEIC test, which measures English communication ability.
There are many characters in anime who are good at English. There are various reasons for this, such as being a returnee, having studied abroad, or having lived abroad .
So Anime! Anime! conducted a reader survey titled “Who is the character who is fluent in English?”
following on from last year. We received responses from 197 people during the survey period from October 7th to October 11th. The gender ratio was about 35 percent male, about 60 percent female, and about 5 percent gave no response, with more females than males. In terms of age group, the majority were young people, with about 50 percent under 19 years old and about 15 percent in their 20s.