In the fourth episode, “The Final Illusion,” of the anime “The New Prince of Tennis U-17 WORLD CUP SEMIFINAL,” which began airing on October 23, 2024, the “It’s too big…” scene that became a hot topic in the original work was finally shown in the anime.
This scene is the line uttered by Kintaro Toyama when he saw the size of Dankmar Schneider (Germany’s representative), who uses a technique called “Gigant” that makes him gigantic. In the original work, this was the line uttered by Masaharu Niou, who used an illusion of the Phoenix of Byodo-in Temple, but when it was changed to Kin-chan’s line, the content of the line was also changed to “What!? It’s too big!”
Many people may be wondering, “Is this a technique that makes you gigantic?”, but the only explanation for that is that it ‘s Prince of Tennis .
However, this bizarre scene is not limited to Episode 4 because it is “Prince of Tennis”. We have compiled a list of scenes from the beloved “New Prince of Tennis U-17 WORLD CUP SEMIFINAL”, which will start airing in October 2024 and has only aired four episodes so far, that are full of things to point out.
*Due to the nature of this topic, the following text contains descriptions that may contain spoilers for those who have not yet watched the work. Please be careful when reading on.
When watching the USA vs Switzerland match, Oshitari Kenya exclaimed, “What on earth is that! That’s so high!” and Momoshiro Takeshi exclaimed, “That’s not human ability!” Dudu Obandu was an athlete who jumped so high that he was surprised. He is nicknamed “Birdman” for his superhuman jumping ability, which he achieved by making use of his natural strong springs.
His jumping height is so impressive that Ryoma exclaims, “No one can beat that guy’s jumping ability,” and from what can be seen on the anime screen, he is jumping higher than the spectator seats, which are elevated to give an excellent view of the court.
By the way, the voice actor for Dudu Obandu is Kenjiro Tsuda. The character he was originally playing, Sadaharu Inui, was also watching the game, so Dudu and Inui were both talking… it was like killing two birds with one stone, and keeping your ears busy.
Furthermore, when it comes to Alan Hopkins, also from the United States, Ryoma says, “He plays a dangerous style of tennis that unconsciously exploits the opponent’s old injuries, habits, and weaknesses, depriving them of their freedom and slowly cutting into them.” He has been nicknamed the “tennis doctor,” and Kenya was surprised by this too, saying, “Isn’t that pretty dangerous?” … but it’s hard to tell who is “dangerous” and who is not.
At that time, Atobe Keigo was training with Tezuka Kunimitsu. Kirihara Akaya was following Atobe and saw Tezuka handing the disk to Atobe, and he mistakenly thought, “That’s bad… Could Atobe and the others be spies? Tezuka must have received some important confidential files about the German national team…” “I see, Tezuka pretended to go to Germany to infiltrate as a double spy? He’s risking his life for Japan’s victory… but wouldn’t it be really bad if he was found out!” There’s no way that’s true! But is it even possible in the world of Prince of Tennis…?
Back in the USA vs Switzerland match, Alexander Amadeus of Switzerland activates the “Dark Side.” It’s a cool name, but I have no idea what it does.
According to Inui, “the strength of his mind to expose his opponent’s greatest weakness and attack mercilessly and without mercy.” However, his opponent, Ralph Reinhart of the US team, said, “the ability to correct and overcome one’s weakness. If I make a mistake once, the next time I’m good at it” (Ryoma)… Amadeus is the worst opponent to face!
In the end, it was Ralph who won. He was just too strong.
The second episode finally sees the start of the Japan vs Germany match! Oni Jujiro faces off against Q.P., Germany’s number two player and the pinnacle of the tennis academy. They’re trading blows with some amazing technique, but I won’t go into detail here because they don’t jump, take away people’s five senses, or grow giant.
The biggest criticism was the ending. The first episode featured the Japanese team, and the second episode featured the German team, but the setting for both seemed to be Lockheart Castle… oh, so Japanese!
The battle between Oni and Q.P. continues. Just when you think it’s going to be a normal exchange of blows, Q.P. suddenly stops the blue bird on his fingertip and smiles. (?)
Then, after watching Q.P.’s fight, Jurgen Barisavich Bork suddenly says, “I see,” and begins uttering something like a poem, reminiscent of the mysterious Shinohara Ryoko’s famous song “Koishisa to Setsunasa to Kokorozukashi to.” He says, “Q.P. has grown by fighting strong opponents up until now. Fierce opponents with Stolzstrhal have already faced off against the radiance of love and the radiance of sadness. But there has never been an opponent in Europe who possesses the radiance of reassurance.”
This triggers a sudden turn of events in the match, which seemed to favor Oni. “I’m going to become the god of tennis,” says Q.P., glowing golden, and with one blow, Oni breaks his wrist.
しかし、鬼は棄権しない。「かつて両手首を破壊されても挑み続けた男を知っている」(=桃城)から……。そんな鬼に平等院が「死んで来るか? 鬼よ」と問うと、鬼はフッと笑ってコートへ、いや“地獄”へと足を進めるのだった。
毎回一人でこのアニメを見るのがしんどすぎる! 誰か一緒に見て、一緒にツッコミたい! 絶対に楽しい!
公開されたあらすじでは、 D2(ダブルスツー)はいよいよクライマックスに突入。イリュージョンを捨て、「仁王雅治」のオリジナルとして挑む仁王 。 これまでのデータが唯一ゼロである仁王のプレイに翻弄されつつも、徐々に押し開けるシュナイダー&ベルティ。 その激戦の結末は―― そして第3試合・ S2(シングルスツー)。ドイツ代表は手塚国光。その対面に立つ日本代表は幸村精市。「一瞬の瞬きも許されない」戦いの幕が開く――。
放送局 /放送日時:2024 年 10 月 2 日 (水 )から毎週水曜 放 送 中
テレ東:深夜 24:00~/テレビ大阪:深夜 25:35~/テレビ愛知:深夜 25:30~
■毎週水曜 深 夜 24:30~
d アニメストア、U-NEXT、Lemino、アニメタイムズ
■毎週金曜 深 夜 24:00~順次配信
アニメ放題 、Hulu、DMM TV、FOD 、Prime Video、TELASA、J:COM STREAM、milplus、ABEMA、ニコニコチャンネル/ニコニコ生放送 、TVer、ネットもテレ東 、RakutenTV、APPY!動 画 、YouTube(レンタル)、バンダイチャンネル
<スタッフ& キャスト>
原 作 許 斐 剛 (集英社 「 ジャンプ SQ.」連載 )
監 督 徳 本 善 信 / キャラクターデザイン・ 総 作 画 監 督 石井明治 / シリーズ構 成 広田光毅 /
色 彩 設 計 津守裕 子 / 美術監督 木村仁哉 / 背 景 アトリエローク 07 /
美 術 設 定 イノセユキエ 青木智由紀 / 撮影監督 中 村雄太 / 編 集 平 木 大 輔 /
音響監督 松岡裕紀 / 音 楽 玉木千尋 / 音 響 制 作 神 南 スタジオ
オープニングテーマ 「 Wake up」 Kidella
エンディングテーマ 「 GLANZ」 emBLEm=ADLER
アニメーション制作 M.S.C / 制 作 NAS / 製 作 新テニスの王子様プロジェクト
越 前 リョーマ 皆川純 子 / 手塚国 光 置鮎龍太郎
平等院鳳凰 安元洋貴 / ユルゲン・バリーサヴィチ・ボルク 利根健太朗
(C)許 斐 剛/集英社・NAS・新テニスの王子様プロジェク ト