September 26th is Typhoon Day.
Statistically, this is the day when typhoons strike most frequently, and the devastating Ise Bay Typhoon of 1959 also made landfall on the same day. It is important to be mindful of disaster prevention measures.
Typhoons and storms are also words used for people who cause trouble. There are many characters in anime who have the same ferocious force as a typhoon and drag those around them into it. They can be a nuisance to have around, but they can also lead the story in an unexpected direction… They also have a certain charm that makes them hard to hate.
So for the first time in six years, Anime! Anime! conducted a reader survey titled “Who is your favourite trouble-making character?”
The survey was conducted from September 13th to September 17th, and 269 people responded. The gender ratio was around 35 percent male, 55 percent female, and 10 percent gave no response, with more females than males. In terms of age group, around 45 percent were under 19 and around 20 percent were in their 20s, with the majority being young people.