September 28th is Personal Computer Day.
It is said that on this day in 1979, NEC’s PC-8001 personal computer, which sparked the personal computer boom, was released.
Characters who are mechanics and good at tinkering with machines often appear in anime and games. They can fix anything from giant robots to toys, perform special tuning that even pilots don’t know about, and are mechanics who are also skilled pilots…
So Anime! Anime! conducted a reader survey titled “Who’s your favorite mechanic/service technician character?”
The survey was conducted from September 15th to September 19th, and 274 people responded. The gender ratio was about 40 percent male, 55 percent female, and about 5 percent gave no response, with more females than males. In terms of age group, the majority were young people, with about 40 percent under 19 and about 25 percent in their 20s.